Top Travel Applications For The iPhone

Today most people possess an iPhone – they are a necessity rather than a luxury, for they have so many features that it’s almost impossible to imagine going about your day without them. Apple’s App Store has applications for virtually everything; they help you exercise, plan your diet and even help you get a good night’s sleep. And yes they can help you travel. There are multiple applications which can be your most helpful travel companions, and the best thing about such applications is that they’re usually completely free, or they’re free to use with optional premium features/versions. Here is a list of must have travel apps for your iPhone. Before heading out be sure to download them.Yelp:This is one of the best guides a traveler could ask for. Yelp presents you with a wealth of information when you’re at a particular destination; including contact information, and succinct reviews of spots in your area. It provides many options according to which you can narrow your search, such as price and distance. Connecting to other social media through the app is also easy. This app saves a lot of time and effort. And the best part is that it’s available to download for free on the iPhone.YPlan:This free app allows you to search what’s hip and happening in a particular city. Sometimes a person lands in a foreign place and has no idea how to spend their time beyond the usual tourist attractions. This is where YPlan comes in;featuring a simple layout and design, it offers a curated list of things available to do in a particular city. Limited to selected places at the moment, do check this out if you’re traveling to one of those cities.TripIt:The ultimate travel planner, TripIt organizes everything there is to organize about your trip. Hotel details, car rentals, flight plans and restaurant bookings, it has it all. It serves as an essential planner for your trip, and makes sure you don’t miss anything on your schedule. It’s free to download on the App Store.Concur Mobile:A handy app which lets you keep tight track of your travel expenses, this is for those who like to keep a strict check on the financial aspects of a trip. It will make your life easier once you’re back home and sit down to calculate where the money went. Or you’re making a report for your company so they can reimburse you for the expenses incurred on the trip you took for your work.Google Maps:Easily the most detailed and useful mapping app on the market, it’s completely free to use and provides unparalleled navigation. It is an absolute must have on your trip, you’ll easily be able to guide yourself about a completely alien city with Google Maps.TripAdvisor:A handier version of the handy website, TripAdvisor is a very famous and in depth app on which you can find reviews on almost any place on the globe. In addition, search and compare prices of restaurants, hotels, rentals and the like. It has a gargantuan database in which you’re sure to find even the remotest places.PackPoint:No one likes packing, almost without exception. And you almost always forget something. PackPoint has your back. Just give it a where, a when and a why. And it will tell you what you should pack.

Enjoy Luxury Travel to Dubai

It is easy to enjoy luxury travel to Dubai, but first you have to find it. Many tour companies are offering trips to Dubai, but in order to cut costs you will have very little leg room on the plane, and are packed into planes, buses and hotels with dozens of other travelers. It’s not so much fun as an ordeal sometimes. However, there are some good operators around, with professional planners that can give you everything you want, so more on these later.First Dubai. Part of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), there is more money invested in its development than any other construction site in the world. One of its largest projects currently underway is the Three Palms, three artificial islands constructed in the shape of palm trees, with the top of the tree forming a breakwater to protect each island. Although each palm will be multifunctional, the Jumeirah will focus on international hotels, the Jebel Ali on entertainment and leisure and the Deira on residential use. They have been described as the 8th Wonder of the World.Dubai also boasts the tallest building in the world, the Burj Dubai, but that is not why you would be there – you can see tall buildings and islands anywhere in the world. No, Dubai offers a lot more, including the famous souks, or markets, the gold souk and the spice souk being two of the most popular with tourists. The gold souk is particularly well attended, where the glittering treasures on offer are largely sold by the gold weight rather than the work put into creating the piece. There are fantastic bargains to be had here. The spice souk offers frankincense and cinnamon, and everything else in between, and epitomizes the mystery of the Middle East.Don’t forget that luxury travel to Dubai must include a visit to the desert, and there is more to do there than you would think. There are many ways to explore the desert, from the modern 4×4, or 4WD, to the more traditional camel, and you can also sand ski and sand board, although falling into the sand at speed is not as pleasant an experience as you might think. Best to stick to archery, falconry or one of the other popular local sports, but try to visit an oasis if you can.Dubai consists of the old and the new, and no trip there would be complete without a visit to one or more of the museums. The Dubai museum itself presents the various treasures, including skeletons, found during digs in the area, and the historic Dubai creek is also worth a visit. On the Bur Dubai side of the Creek, the Grand Mosque Dubai is one of the largest mosques in the United Arab emirates, and can accommodate 1200 worshipers. It contains 45 domes, and looks spectacular when lit up at night.When visiting Dubai keep in mind that it can get very hot, so make sure that you wear loose fitting clothes. It is also a Muslim city, so dress conservatively, particularly if you are visiting rural areas where you could get into serious trouble if you wear anything too revealing, particularly the women. Enjoying luxury travel there is the same as traveling to any other foreign country: respect their way of life and their customs and laws, or you might be made to feel unwelcome.The weather in Dubai is best between November and April, so arrange your tour for then, while it is pleasantly warm. Temperatures can exceed 40C in the summer months. Unless you are aware of, and able to observe, all the codes of conduct needed during the month of Ramadan which is very strictly observed in Dubai, you are best to avoid this period, even though hotel prices are slashed to about 50% of normal.The basis of any luxury trip is the service and the comfort of travel. You should make sure of business class flights at the very least, and if you can find a travel planner that can offer personal service such as your own limo driver, and also the very best hotels and food, then that is where the luxury will come from.When you enjoy luxury travel to Dubai, you are enjoying the very best in one of the richest cities in the world, if not THE richest, and you will certainly be rubbing shoulders with some of the richest people in the world. So enjoy it.

The Tao Philosophy of Independent Travel

What is an Independent Traveler?

There is a certain philosophy that the independent traveler adheres to. While the tourist looks for comfort, convenience and a home away from home, the independent traveler prefers to become part of the culture as much as possible. The independent traveler likes to leave home behind.

There are many different terms in use to describe independent travelers. A hobo, in this sense, is someone without a home, spends very little or no money, and travels to work. A backpacker is a traveler on a budget who’s luggage is usually a single backpack. A flash packer has more money to spend than the hobo or backpacker, but still prefers the lifestyle of independent travel.

Regardless of the term used, independent travelers share a common philosophy.

The Independent Traveler:

1) Does Not Like to be Pampered

Independent travelers have a distaste for typical, over-priced packaged tours. They avoid rigid itineraries, instead preferring to plan their own trips. Rather than being pampered during their travels, independents feel more comfortable on their own. When one is told when to eat, where to go and how long to stay, it is like putting a noose on experience. Independents rely on their own judgment, they do not let others think for them or tell them what to do.

2) Spends Less Money to Enjoy More

The less money an independent traveler spends, the more he or she enjoys the trip. Big spending tends to isolate the traveler from new, vibrant experience. Rather than getting caught up in the consumer trap of buying expensive souvenirs, paying for useless accessories and the “convenience” of doing what you are told to do on a tour, independents do more of the things they enjoy doing, rather than buying things that distracts one from the experience of the trip.

3) Travels Light

Traveling with lots of luggage is a huge inconvenience that costs the traveler time, money and worry. All those things that tourists take with them on vacation actually impedes the trip, rather than enhance it. One of the purposes of travel is to enjoy what is there, not what is at home. Traveling light provides more freedom for the traveler and instead of baby-sitting all those “important” material possessions one can focus on experiencing life.

4) Becomes Immersed in the Culture

It is very difficult, even impossible, to experience a new place or culture when you are sheltered in a tour bus, or in a fancy hotel. The only way to maximize the experience of new things is to step into them and participate with an open mind. One travels to a foreign place to experience the foreign. Yet, too often the tourist erects shields to become isolated from the foreign experiences sought. The independent traveler does not fear what is foreign, but seeks it out and slowly, courteously, attempts to let it become a part of his or her life.

5) Goes with the Flow

Worry kills enjoyment. Time schedules, tasks and material things contribute to worry. When worry pounds away in your head you cannot truly experience what is there. It is easy to see with the eyes, it is an art to understand with the mind. The independent traveler knows that not everything always goes to plan; a flight might be canceled, a bus could be delayed, the weather may not be ideal. With a tight schedule these things could ruin a trip. With flexibility one can actually learn to enjoy them. Sometimes things happen for a reason. Sometimes you can find without seeking.

6) Believes that a Vacation is an Education

When one continues to do the same things one has always done, he or she will continue to receive the same results. Travel to the independent is more than a vacation, it is an education. Independent travel allows the individual to try new things, to see beyond one’s mental and cultural background, to experience, to learn and to grow. When one travels with an open mind learning becomes a delightful activity. Acquaintances learn from the traveler, the traveler learns from them, and therefore learns more about his or her person than otherwise would be possible. Learning extends beyond the four walls of a classroom to include the world.

7) Enjoys Freedom

To achieve freedom one does not need more. One needs less. The independent traveler has very few time constraints, material possessions, itineraries and lists of things to do. The independent is free to take advantage of any opportunity that comes along. The independent may stay up late to watch the sun set, wander into an isolated village, discover healing rituals of a disappearing culture, enjoy extra time with old friends and accept the gracious hospitality of new ones. The independent traveler understands that baggage should be left at home.

Biased and Hurried Travel Advisories

The Mumbai attacks of last November were still going on when a number of western governments started issuing adverse travel advisories asking their nationals to cancel all plans of visiting India without even the actual details being fully known.

This ad hoc and knee jerk reaction of western countries in regard to travel to India and some other countries in this area is not a new thing. This has been happening all along and shows a typical bias and prejudice which these people hold against us. The US Government website states, “The Department of State warns U.S. citizens that there is a high threat of terrorism throughout India, and advises U.S. citizens travelling to or already in India to maintain a high level of vigilance and to take appropriate steps to increase their security awareness, especially during the end-of-year holidays until India’s Republic Day, January 26″.

They have put the entire India as a terrorist threatened destination. No sane person would have the courage to travel to India after reading such a discouraging advice. The British have gone a step ahead and their website states, “There is a high threat from terrorism throughout India.

Future attacks may target places frequented by Western visitors and expatriates. Security levels have been increased at major airports. Travellers should therefore expect delays and allow more time when checking in. British nationals should exercise particular caution when in the vicinity of key government installations and tourist sites, attending public events (including religious and sporting events), and in public places including hotels, airports, shopping malls, markets and on public transport”.

Then they give a virtual history of terrorist incidents in different parts of the country. In case of Jammu & Kashmir, special treatment has been given. The Travel Advice in the very beginning says, “We advise against all travel to or through rural areas of Jammu and Kashmir (other than Ladakh), and all but essential travel to Srinagar. If you intend to travel to Srinagar then you should only travel there by air.

Despite the best efforts of travel agents who will try to convince you that it is safe to travel to this region, increased official promotion of Kashmir as a tourist centre and improved relations between India and Pakistan, tensions remain high, particularly in Kashmir. There was widespread violence across rural and urban areas of Jammu and Kashmir in the months of July and August 2008. Curfew restrictions imposed in the Jammu region at the time have been lifted and conditions are returning to normal.

There remains, however, a heightened risk of further volatile and unpredictable violence in Kashmir, including car bombs, grenade attacks, bombs on roads and shootings”. The Australian Government has straight away told its citizens to reconsider all travel to India. Their website carries the advice as, “We advise you to reconsider your need to travel to India at this time because of the very high risk of terrorist activity by terrorists and militant groups. If you do decide to travel to India, you should exercise extreme caution.”

In case of Kashmir they simply ask their nationals not to travel at all! “We advise you not to travel to the state of Jammu and Kashmir (north India), other than to the Ladakh region via Manali, or by air to the regions main city of Leh, due to frequent armed clashes, terrorist activities and violent demonstrations. There is an ongoing dispute between India and neighbouring Pakistan regarding Jammu and Kashmir. Serious security problems remain in Srinagar, the capital of Jammu and Kashmir, as well as other parts of the state. Recent civil unrest and violent demonstrations in the state of Jammu and Kashmir have resulted in the deaths of dozens of people since June 2008, with the cities of Srinagar and Jammu the worst affected. Tensions remain high with the possibility of violence spreading to surrounding areas.”

These sample advisories taken from the internet show how our destinations are being projected as terrorism prone spots. In view of these advisories it is difficult for group tourism to move to these places. No insurance company will cover any travel to these areas. Bulk of tourist traffic these days is group travel. As regards getting these advisories modified or removed, it is a difficult proposition. I have a personal experience in this regard with the British Foreign Office. During early 1998 I was visiting London and the then Indian High Commissioner there Mr. Salman Haider arranged my meeting with the India Desk Officer in the British Foreign Office.

I explained to them that the situation was very conducive for tourists to visit Kashmir. They agreed with me but expressed helplessness in view of the 5 missing foreigners who had been kidnapped in Kashmir. According to them unless their death was certified, they could not proceed in the matter. After following the case with the State Home Department, a death certificate was issued on the basis of the report provided by the concerned Police authorities. This certificate was sent to the British Foreign Office.

In spite of this they did not modify the travel advice. In fact, earlier advice had been stating that the Indian Travel Agents should not be believed even if they say situation is suitable for travel. This sentence has been omitted and modified in the present advice probably after some protest from the Indian Travel Agents Association.

In this situation, it is no use trying to get western tourists to Kashmir in large numbers. Promotional efforts in western countries would be waste of time and money. It would be better for us to concentrate on alternate markets. There have never been any adverse travel advisories from any of the South East Asian, Middle Eastern, or Central Asian Countries regarding travel to India in general and to Kashmir in particular. During all the years of turmoil, Kashmir has received a regular stream of visitors from Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Malaysia.

In fact, during last couple of years up market Malaysian tourists have been coming to Kashmir in appreciable numbers. For all these three regions of South East Asia, Central Asia, and Middle East Kashmir represents a short haul destination. With the airport at Srinagar getting operational soon for International flights, it would be worthwhile to concentrate on these regions and try for direct charter flights as is being done by Goa Tourism Department. They receive over 500 charters every season from different tourism generating markets.

There is need for promoting Kashmir vigorously in these short haul markets. The State Tourism Department should sponsor two way FAM Tours from and to these places. Every important Travel Mart should be attended by the industry players from Jammu & Kashmir. In fact, in 2004, the then Chief Minister, Mufti Mohammad Sayed had announced through a press conference in Dubai that the State Government would set up a Travel and Trade Bureau there to vigorously promote Tourism and Trade from the Region.

However, after his handing over the power, the new rulers completely forgot the commitment. There is need to revive it especially if the proposed Srinagar-Dubai direct flight starts to operate. With the success of these flights and dispersal to other regions, similar set ups can be established in Singapore and Tashkent. These will cover all the three potential markets for both tourism and trade. If we are able to put this type of Tourism Marketing Plan in action, we will have no need to bother about the Western Travel Advisories and that would be the most appropriate strategy to counter these.

How to Locate a Dependable Travel Agent

Whether you are researching a trip on your own or not, here are tips for finding a travel agent to help you plan a trip that is right for you and who can help you with all the confusing information found online. You may be travelling on business, on a family vacation, on a religious commitment, or to host a special event like a marriage, anniversary or a family reunion on a cruise ship or an all-inclusive! Don’t forget fundraisers on a cruise ship.

Location is Key

Travel agents are consultants who are around to help people like you accomplish various travel plans. To locate a reliable travel consultant for your trip, try exploring one of these options:

1. Visit the local Chamber of Commerce or visit their website to review the accredited list of travel professionals.

2. Search through the Yellow Pages to shortlist local travel agents and their contact information.

3. Talk to neighbors or friends to accumulate some recommendations, but these are not always reliable.

After short-listing a few travel agents in your area through your initial research and local contacts, take a note pad and jot down the start and end dates of your travelling schedule, the departure and arrival locations and the intermediate destinations, transportation preferences if any, available budget, and special requirements like wheelchair accessible entry and exit points. Also determine what type of activities you would like to do on your trip. All this information will help the travel agent help you chose the best product to make your trip memorable and a success. Do some research on your own, but let the travel agent help you decide whether the information you find is really the best for you. There is so much information out there.

Have a Vacation without Stress

When you finally meet your travel agent, you can use your list of requirements along with the checklist provided below to avoid disappointments:

1. Keep your conversation with your travel agent focused on your list items but keep an open mind to listen to suggestions of the travel agent to enhance your trip.

2. When you are discussing your travelling plans, available options, and expense details, avoid falling into the trap of buying services you do not need.

3. When making travel plans, always ensure you have a “Plan B” to address mishaps such as seats without reservations, missing connections, lost baggage, absence of travelling date on tickets, and more terrible possibilities.

4. You should also discuss in detail the travel agent’s resources to handle last-minute changes like trip cancellations, date modifications, or itinerary changes.

5. Discuss with the travel agent products like travel insurance to help protect your travel costs along with medical protection. Travel insurance covers more than just those items listed in numbers 3 and 4 above. Travel insurance also covers you medically should the need arise. Some insurance plans do not cover you when you travel outside of the United States. Make sure you check with your insurance company to see if you are covered.

6. If possible, use a credit or debit card to pay for all the expenses, to ensure that all your expenses are accurately tracked, monitored, and auditable in case of a future dispute.

If you are fortunate enough to locate a reliable travel agent, then you can easily expect timely and courteous services while planning, preparing, and executing your travel plans on a suitable budget and schedule.

The 5 Main Reasons for Choosing a Travel Agent

It is now possible to almost arrange any travel itineraries independently online. There are pros and cons to all things. Here we look at 5 reasons to consult with a travel consultant for your plans.

1. The Complete Picture

Prudent travellers understand that it is not simply the original tour price that determines the total price of any package. The selection of dates, locations, airlines, quality of accommodation, booking policies, available amenities and other things make up the complete package. Not all the items are fully included in all packages. Every person or group has unique needs and the good consultants listen to the individual needs and tailor a package accordingly.

2. Best Price

Best prices means saving money, but it is more about value. The right flights, times, accommodation, cruised etc. are important to travellers. Good travel consultants create a package based on individual needs rather than what might be advertised as “the best price”. Sometimes “best price” and individual travel needs meet creating the best value travel option.

3. Save Time and Energy

Time is a valuable resource for all of us. Most people will say that there is not enough time for travelling. Good travel consultants aim to provide the right travel experience at the expected quality at the best price, saving time and energy for the traveller. It may be possible to save time by booking directly online, but the travel agent will find the right travel arrangements often at a better price.

4. Understand the Risks

We all have a good idea about the risks in our home country. However, every country has its own risks. Travel consultants know or have access to information that will increase the chance of safe and secure travel in countries that they work with. Understand how to choose food, how to travel safely, what the weather is like and how to enjoy the sights and your travel will be much more enjoyable.

5, Product Knowledge

Many travellers want to discover new things. Travel consultants have at their disposal thousands of proven travel options. Their knowledge may very well help you find a better travel experience than what is available online. (Please note: not all travel options are available online)

Travel can be a risky business, getting the right package, getting there, touring in a strange land, meeting different people and trying new foods. Your travel agent is there to help you enjoy the best of what there is to offer and help to keep you safe.

4 Hidden Travel Pitfalls the World Needs to Know

Even if you have travelled a lot in the past, you are still susceptible to blunders while traveling, even if you are not aware that you are making them. Some travellers have already fallen into a trap, a not easily recognized difficulty – a pitfall. Unfortunately, when you have already fallen into a travel pitfall, it is often a challenge to get out of it. Just before you board that plane, avoid these four common travel pitfalls so that you make the most out of your trip, along with some smart planning ideas.

Travel Pitfall 1: Going Beyond Your Budget

Budget is very important while traveling. It is always a good idea to plan out how much you’re spending versus the number of days that you will be staying in a country. You should be able to allocate a per-day budget and stick with it. Of course there will always be that unprecedented expense. Smart travellers usually get travel insurance during the duration of their travel to cover for unexpected costs incurred while travel such as lost baggage, medical expenses, etc.

Before leaving, it is also crucial to make sure you know how much money you have and what you can afford to spend. As much as possible, you should always pay in cash while you are travelling, as there may be places that only accept cash. You should be able to keep cash on reserve in an accessible international account like a savings account just in case of emergencies. There are also several travel apps available that will help you keep track of your expenses.

Travel Pitfall 2: Getting Sick While Travelling

The most common travel illness is diarrhoea. Eating contaminated food and water contributes to diarrhoea. You should always remember that when you are in a strange place, stick to bottled or purified water and freshly prepared food. If you are not sure how food is prepared, do not ingest it. However, travellers can also get ill with respiratory tract infections and influenza. Standing on airports or sitting on planes can get you infected with these common illnesses. When you get ill while travelling, it may get expensive. In some countries, expert medical care in most facilities cost a fortune. One thing you can do is to choose travel insurance that covers medical expenses while travelling.

Travel Pitfall 3: Not adhering to safety precautions

There are always safety risks while travelling. In fact, even our own government gives a travel warning whenever we go to certain countries. While we can’t avoid accidents and mishaps on the round, safety is a priority, especially when we are travelling with our family.

When you’re traveling you need to be more aware of your surroundings, especially if you are a tourist in a remote region. There are some ways to stay safe while travelling like keeping your passport, travel documents, cash, and credit cards in a secure place, and spreading them around in various bags just in case one is stolen. You should also not call too much attention to yourself and avoid wearing touristy clothes. While this is not possible in many Asian countries, just try to blend in as much as possible. While travelling, women should always be with a group and not walk in darkened streets alone. While it is perfectly acceptable to enjoy and have a drink or two at a bar, keep track of your alcohol consumption. You shouldn’t get too drunk that you cannot find your way to your hotel.

Travel Pitfall 4: Not Anticipating your Mobile Situation

One of the most unexpected expenses that await us when we get back from our trip is the very costly mobile phone bill. This is due to roaming charges while we are using our phone abroad. In order to avoid this, you should research ahead of time and see if you can purchase an inexpensive local prepaid SIM card to get very affordable data and minutes. You can always make VOIP calls or send text messages through Facebook Messenger or Skype. There are also other ways of communicating over the internet such as Viber, WhatsApp, Line, and many others.

How to Start a Blog or Niche Website And Make Money

In 2021, due to lockdowns and mandates, more people than ever before began to look for ways to earn money working from home. In particular, many looked at blogging as an online business. The problem though, was that many of them didn’t really know how to make money from a blog. So just how can it be done?

Keep reading and I’ll go through 3 steps that you need to take to become an online blogger.

First, you need to find the right niche to work in. You need to find a “hungry market,” people who are looking for information to read and looking for products to buy.

It also needs to be a niche that you’re interested in because you’ll be writing a lot of blog posts about it.

Once you know what you’ll be blogging about, you then need to create a blog. This is simple to do using all the blogging software available. You can even set up a blog for free through platforms such as Google’s own Blogger service. Blogger has been around for years and is used by many successful bloggers, including me.

Once you’ve set up your blog, fill it with useful content, products to sell, and onsite advertising for extra income. Some bloggers earn thousands this way, selling products online as affiliates, and earning money through PPC advertising.

Once you get enough pages set up, it’s time to market your blog to get as many visitors as possible. And if you have an email subscription box on your blog, you can stay in touch with all those who sign up.

Marketing can be paid for, or can be done for free through social media and article directories. When you’re first starting out, it’s better to use free marketing, although you can go ahead and pay for it if you want to and if you already have the funds. Personally, I’ve never paid for online advertising for any of my website and blogs. Perhaps I’m leaving money on the proverbial table by marketing this way, but my online success over the years has been good without it.

And that’s the 3 steps you need to take. Choose your niche, set up a blog, join an affiliate network to find products to promote, and market your blog in as many places as you can to get thousands visitors. Just make sure you’re marketing in the right places to get the right kind of visitors.

So what are you waiting for?

Get your own money-making blog set up and running today.

5 Areas Where Interest Rates Matter!

Although, we hear, a lot of opinions, about, interest rates, and their trends, and impacts, very few people seem to understand, the significance, and importance/ relevance, of these rates, in several areas of our lives! After, many decades of involvement, in political campaigns, leadership, leadership training/ planning, real estate, financial sales and consulting, etc, I strongly believed, one benefits, by understanding, more about these, and how they affect, many things, in our lives! Whether, related to personal, organizational, and/ or, public finance/ spending, home ownership and related costs, credit – related issues, business matters, stock and bond pricing, etc, interest rates, truly, significantly, matter! With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 of these areas, and how the cost – of – money, makes a significant difference.

1. Bond prices and interest rates: The price of a bond, generally, is inversely – related to interest rates! When these rates go down, prices, rise, and when they go up, the inverse occurs! Bonds have, what is known, as, a par – value, which is the price, paid, at the end of the term. Markets usually set these at 100, which represents $1,000 per bond, at maturity. However, during the period, the pricing can rise or fall, which impacts, liquidity – related issues!

2. Mortgage rates: For the last few years, we have been witnessing and experiencing, record – low, mortgage interest rates, which have helped the overall, real estate/ housing market, especially, in terms of, pricing increases! In most areas of this country, we are seeing, home prices, at their highest levels, ever, by a significant, dramatic amount! When this rate, is low, a home buyer is able to buy, more – house – for – his – bucks, because, his monthly payments, are so low! Consider, however, what might be the potential ramifications, and impacts, when these rates, will, inevitably, rise?

3. Consumer credit: Low costs of borrowing, help the automobile industry, in terms of consumer financing, etc! Although, not as much as other vehicles, rates on credit card debt, are lower, and there are often, shorter – term, promotions, offering deals! However, since, most of these are variable, and based, on some index, etc, what happens, when there is an increase, in this?

4. Business borrowing: Another area affected, is business cost of borrowing! Presently, they have had access, to relatively, cheap – money, which helps in reducing the costs of borrowing, overall operations, purchasing inventory, etc. But, what happens, when this, ticks – up?

5. Impacts on stock market prices: For some time, because bonds have paid so little, in terms of dividends, etc, many have considered, the stock market, the only game, in – town! In addition, many corporations, have seemed, better – off, than they probably are, and we have witnessed, a higher, ratio of prices to profits, than in the past! How long will this last? How high can it go?

Many factors impact these issues, especially: actual and/ or, perceived inflation; consumer confidence; politics/ government actions/ the Federal Reserve, etc. The more you know, and understand, hopefully, the better – prepared, you will be!